Thursday, October 25, 2012

Back at the Farm

Hey all! We have finally remembered that we have a blog, and now we're back on! So, what is new with the farm?

Suzie is sold, and we have a new little pony, Trigger. Some friends let us borrow him because we were looking for a pony for Robert, and they didn't really have a need for him, but they still own him.

And, while we were at Mr. Cooksey's house this summer, we found the CUTEST little puppy out in his woods, living in a tire. We took him home with us, and even though he likes to chew on stuff and bark at the cats, he is a nice dog. We don't know what breed he is but he's something like a mix of Husky and German Sheppard.

But just so no one feels they have been missing out on our exciting adventures, we had a fairly normal summer. We stayed at the farm, had the Belarussians over for a while, rode the horses, swam in the river. Nothing exciting or extraordinary.

The kids played at Galax this year, and their band, the Tadpoles, came in fifth in the Youth Band competition! When I figure out how to get video's up, you'll get to see their performance videos, so just hang in there!

Here are a couple pictures of the farm. Enjoy!

Ducks in the pools.
Lightning is the Bantam rooster, Miss Snow is the white hen, and Fudge is the brown. Liberty is the muddy chicken in the background :)

Tater and Gypsy, our only goats. Can you believe we used to have over 10?
The horses in our new pasture. They love eating all the tall grass!
Me riding my horse Spirit back to the house from the new pasture.
Enjoy the pictures, and I hope I'll be able to keep this blog up to date!

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