Saturday, January 30, 2010

Second snow of the winter

January snow.

Deep south freeze.

Erosion damage from heavy rains.

Last night January 29the we had our second snow for winter 09-10, we had 10 inches. Although this is only our second snow fall, this has been the worst winter in my 20 years of living in NC.

From the end of December through the first two weeks of January we had temperatures that rarely went above freezing. At night, we were in the teens, and single digits with the wind chill factor. We carried water to the horses and pigs twice a day, our pond was frozen solid.

Last week, we had hurricane like winds and 4" of rain one night, the bridge over our little creek washed out. None of these are great hardships, they are however, out of the ordinary for what used to be a pleasant season.

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