Friday, April 15, 2011

A Visit to Belarus

March 26 through April 4th, Jeff and I and our friends Tony and Gena visited Belarus. It was a short trip to visit with the children and parents of the children we have brought over to stay with us during the summer. We met Slava and Anya Viazovski in Minsk. Slava is a pastor of Church in Minsk. We got to meet with Artsiom and his family. This is his Dad and older sister.

We spent one night in a hotel at the Zoo Park. This picture was taken at the crafts park next to the hotel. Here you can visit weavers and bakers, blacksmiths and a distillery.

This is Jeff, Tony and Koli at Koli's house in Behov. This is the family that fosters Tony's children Vitali and Vika. They had a cookout for us and the men took a banya, a sort of steam bath.

We had a wonderful visit. We met with Katya, the chaperone from ABRO, and her husband, we visited David and Angelina, and their family. We met the new girl we have invited for this summer. All the food was great, we made new friends and did some sight seeing as well. It was a busy trip, but a lot of fun.