Thursday, May 13, 2010

New crop of chicks

Last week, along with Helena's 13th birthday, new chicks arrived. We got four new breeds, Buff Chanteclers, Black Australorps, Speckled Sussex, and Light Brahmas. This is the first time we got chicks that were non-yellow, and they are all so cute.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Cooksy's Hacienda

Last week we helped a dear friend get some painting done on his dream retirement home. Mr. and Mrs. Cooksey have always dreamed of owning an organic farm, and bought the land several years ago. Although they have been doing some of the farming, they have not been living on the property. Last year they started construction on the dwelling, and this summer they are close to moving in, but need to paint and put in the flooring, thus we found ourselves in South Carolina painting.

We packed up the camper, and the kids bikes, and the dog and made our way to Kershaw, SC, a place we had never been before. Mr. Cooksey has a trail around the perimeter of the property and his garden is all inclosed to keep out the deer and other animals. He also has a series of soaker hoses snaking through the garden to keep everything watered. The kids enjoyed the sand and the biking and Jeff and I painted. They kids also did some weeding in the garden, and a little painting. We got a lot completed, but we will have to go back and do a little more before the Cooksey's can move in.